Tuesday, February 13, 2007

a brief look

I made a little make shift slideshow to let you see some pics of Sudan, although our REAL videos are on their way! The song is one of my favs...i have a vision for this song in way of video making...if only i knew how and had time to learn! hehe! This song is a Life song for me.
The little boy at the end of the slide show is a sweet friend of ours. His name is Issac, he is a burn victim as you will see. We are currently in the process of arranging and raising money for a surgry that will release him to use his arms and fingers for the first time since he was 3! awesome!


Brittany Strebeck said...

amber! (and vernon and titus too!)
how are you guys? i'm so glad i stumbled across y'alls blog today... i'm so encouraged by the way God is moving through you guys in Sudan.. Thanks for the reminder I always need that God is living and moving and working!! i love you guys.

Karen said...

How great is our God! What a wonderful way for all of you to pave the road to heaven for those who not so much lost their way but for those that didn't have the map to start with. The video brought tears to my eyes and a tightening to my heart. God is definately using y'all for the greater good. Thank you for posting the video. It brings a little more understanding to me what you are doing over there. I love ya Deuce and friends. God bless you and keep you, May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. But most of all may God grant you His peace in your endeavours.
Aunt Karen