Thursday, August 30, 2007
Discharged from the Hospital!!!
The guys have been discharged from the hospital!!!! Isaacs pain is under control enough to let him go to the hotel to recuperate. They said being at the hotel was a welcome change from the sterile environment with the single twin bed that was permanently stuck in the upright position. Isaac can rest comfortably while the girls have a kitchenette they can prepare meals for themselves in. Today they went to Nairobi to buy supplies and Isaac went with them!!! They had just returned when I called and Isaac was already in bed resting but he had a great day finally just getting out for a bit. They went by a wild life preserve and Dan (the hotel manager/radio guy/all around mission dude) said he might be able to swing a trip to come back later and they could take Isaac on a safari before they leave. How crazy is that!!! So with the sound of it God is really performing an amazing speedy recovery and healing for Isaac and He continues to bless the team with His love and grace. Please continue to pray as tomorrow they return to the hospital to change the bandages on Isaacs legs and arm. Megan said that one of his legs has a lot of drainage and wants to see what Doctor Carter thinks. Right now if everything continues as planned Dr Carter said they may be able to remove the pins from his figures in 2 ½ weeks. Pray Gods continued speedy healing in Isaacs life!!!! There have been so many answered prayers and the girls sound like they are in good spirits and good health. All glory to God. He does all things well!!!
Bless all of you as well.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
FINALLY an update! phew!
It's Megan AND Robin today! Fancy that! We left Isaac resting in the hospital so we could come up make some HOT food and get a well deserved change of clothes! So, we just got done reading ALL the comments from the previous blogs, it's been our first chance and the internet has shown us some love today! It really warmed our hearts and gave us some much much MUCH needed encouragement! Keep 'em comin'! *grin* We love you all heaps!
Isaac had his second surgery on Friday. After 7 1/2 hours (and the two of us getting very restless for his return by the end) Isaac was brought back to our small, but colorful, hospital room. We got to chat with Doctor Carter about the surgery. They were able to straighten out Isaac's arm even more (yay!) and bring his wrist to a more "normal" position (they had to take out a row of bones, ouch!). They also straightened his fingers as much as they could and placed pins to keep them straight. From the couple of fingers we can see it rather looks like they have staples in the finger tips! He had to get a graft at his wrist, the top of his hand, and on all four fingers (but not the thumb!). Oh yeah, they were able to bring his thumb from being the wrong direction to the right one. If you're confused look at YOUR thumb and Isaac's now looks about the same! The surgery was tough and Doctor Carter was tired but he left with a smile on his face.
Please pray for patience. The last few days have been difficult as Isaac, yet again, has been in excruciating pain. He is on the mend though as last night he basically slept all night and most of the morning. He's not a happy camper in pain. His attitude, plus a lot less sleep for us, challenges our patience. Its been good that we've been able to teach him how Christ walks along side us in these times, how He sometimes takes us through hard times to get to what He has planned for us, etc... It may not be sitting down and reading his Bible with him, but we are learning that it's another level of how to love and train him about following Christ. Mercy, the chaplain, has been a blessing to us. She's walked beside us every step of the way (and even checked in with us on her day off!) and prays with us and encourages us. We love her. Pray for God to keep blessing her amazing ministry in the children's ward!
Tomorrow is the dressing (on his arm and hand...we do change his clothes, don't worry) change #2... and surgical cleansing. He'll be sedated again so we are already trying to round up the next batch of 80 samosas! ha ha! Doctor Carter says that Wednesday we should be hotel bound for the rest of the recoup! HURRAY!!! That's also done a lot to bolster all of our spirits! He says he will probably just keep the pins in for 3 weeks depending on healing so we might have an early departure to Sudan. We found out we get to fly and Isaac's excited about his FIRST airplane trip. And we are thrilled about not taking the bus. (I, Robin, was supposed to take a bus last time I went to Sudan...but it caught on fire...) Despite the pain and sleep deprivation we are still hopeful and strengthened by God!!!!!!!
We love you all dearly,
you are on our hearts and in our prayers,
Hope today finds that God has blessed your socks off with His grace, mercy, and hope!
Megan, Robin, and Isaac!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hurrah for Internet!
I am blessed to have access to the Internet tonight! Our friend Dan, who runs the hotel has graciously let me use his computer (plus some English tea and cookies!yum!)...currently the only computer that will connect to the Internet and possibly not for long! Oh, the joys of blogging in Africa!
God has been SO good- I am constantly amazed by the way He provides exactly when we need it. From Doctor Carter (and his wife Ann) picking up groceries for us in Nairobi, to the woman across the hall in the kids ward bringing us oranges, to timely encouragement from the hospital chaplain (Mercy...a perfect name for her, she is definitely in the exact role God's called her, WOW!) never ceases to amaze me. I feel God's hand of favor on us and I am confident in the fact that he will provide in HIS perfect time- Not always when we need it but always on time.
It's a stretching thing to spend days on end in a small hospital room. Megan and I often squeeze into what I am convinced is not quite even a complete twin sized bed that permanently angles up! ha! It's comical, but hey, we both get rest and that's the important part! Isaac is only a couple feet from us (we have our own room, yet another blessing!) and depending on the day or the pain level he either stares into space, cries out in pain, or has fun. We've taught him to play skipbo and connect four and he loves them. Last night, Megan had the evening off, Isaac and I played games and then he said he was ready for bed. Three HOURS later he fell asleep after talking about life in Sudan, the Bible, etc... that time really blessed my heart, just to have a chance to get to know the person that God's creating him to be. It's beautiful. Also, thankfully, his pain was under control last night and he got some good rest!
He's been craving reading from the Bible. He had me read from my Bible while he compared it to the rhyming Bible. Smart Kid!
The surgery has been painful. And today when they changed the dressing on his arm and his leg (where they took skin for his arm) he was in a lot of pain while walking back to the operating room. He had tears running down his face and I found myself asking why can't they use a wheel chair? Why can't he be moved with less pain? Thankfully for the procedure he was sedated and he's always a little crazy when coming off the drugs... he demanded 80 samosas (a fried tortilla-ish thing filled with meat and spices)NOW, not in an hour, NOW and told us we were mean. It's like an alien took him over. But when it wears off he's back to his good ol' self. However the nurses, doctors, Megan and I were having a giggle, it was comical.
The heart wrenching moments are when the pain is unbearable and he's crying out for Jesus to save him and shaking and crying. It's those moments I wish I could just whisk the pain away. It really breaks my heart (and Megan's too). We've been up at the smallest noise, and we're tired but I find it a privilege to be along side him, to hold his hand when he grips it tightly in pain
It looks like Isaac's second surgery is set for Friday. Doctor Carter had originally been a little worried about doing surgery on his hand. But what do you have it? There's a hand surgeon in town!!! Praise God!!! Isaac seems ready for it mostly, but pray, he gets nervous. He's great about asking for prayer. I don't know if this was in the last blog, but Isaac woke me up the night before he was admitted to pray with him. I prayed and just sat with him while he clutched my hand for a couple of hours, agitated if he tried to move, the same happened the night before surgery. (Although add coloring like a maniac in a coloring book to try and distract himself!)
Everyone is taken with Isaac. Dan brought him a goodie bag, the hospital staff come visit, other mom's in the ward love him, and he has a new friend (who we've never heard speak) who hangs out in our room constantly. It's so encouraging!
Megan and I are looking for ways to serve. Right now it's been all about taking care of Isaac, but we're trying to listen for all the ways God wants us to serve. A lot of that's been prayer for what we can think of. I'm thinking of using my art to encourage people in the hospital, we'll see what that looks like. But whatever it is, even the moment by moment task of lovin' on Isaac, will be GOOD because it's God's!
I hope your day is filled with joy,
May the God of all creation season your day with his amazing grace,
Robin (Megan and Isaac too!)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
First surgery is over.
This is Mike in Midland Texas and the girls have asked me to update the blog because the school that was providing Internet is currently on break so they haven’t been able to update everyone.
So here goes…… Isaac surgery on his arm is done, while the extensiveness of the burn was worse than they thought Dr Cater was still able to straighten the arm out from 180 to about 45 degrees, which is an amazing improvement! Isaac was in recovery for a couple of hours and then returned to his room. Megan and Robin have been staying with Isaac so when he woke up they were there. As Isaac became more awake his realization of the pain also increased and Megan began to work with the nurses to try and manage how Isaac was feeling. The skin graft on Isaacs’s leg is about 7 inches long and 3 inches wide and is very painful. Isaac asked Megan if kids in America had to have skin taken off their leg when they do surgery. The pain he is feeling is affecting both Isaac and Megan as they go through this time. Thoughts about weather or not this is worth all the pain is plaguing all of the guys. Please be praying as the pain of this surgery fades and as they talk about the next operation that needs to take place for his hand. Megan’s soft heart hates to see Isaac in so much pain as I talk to her on the phone I could hear Isaac in the background moaning.
As I spoke to them today the pain is now being controlled more and Isaac is feeling much better. He asked when they were going to be able to return to the hotel and Megan said he is talking more than she has ever heard before. This time is really bonding all of them together in the love of God. During the night when Isaac would be in pain he would ask for Megan and Robin to pray with him for the pain to go. Megan said he would cry out for Jesus to make him better and then ask them to pray again.
Please pray;
Healing for the first surgery
Isaacs pain level to continue to drop
Megan and Robin to maintain health
Good sleep for everyone
Prepare and encourage Isaac for the next surgery
When Isaac sees his new arm he wont “freak out”
Prepare the way for the return to Sudan
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Wonderful Wacky Wednesday
Top of the evening to you all!
Today is Isaac's last day of "freedom" before being admitted to the hospital. Isaac's surgery is on the books for Friday (the 17th of August 2007). Dr. Carter, the burn specialist, has not yet made it to Kijabe, but should be arriving today or tomorrow. After visiting the hospital, meeting a doctor, and eating some tasty beans franks we played around outside- It was a glorious day to play on the swings, roll in the grass, and just enjoy the beauty God's given us. Not to mention plenty of giggling- Praise God for giving us silliness!
We made a fun video and got to post it thanks to Dan (the hotel guy) letting us use his computer! I'm still really proud of remembering all the video creating steps i was taught...phew! We'll try and make a video to update you on what the doctor's have said...
We are constantly seeing God's provision in all the divine appointments He's given us... last night we shared in fellowship with Muhammad one of the hospital chaplains, and met the German chaplain today...around every corner God has provided. The head of finances even took us (and fast tracked us) through all the steps to meet a doctor so that tomorrow he can be admitted. (We've both forgotten the doctor's name...he was very helpful!) We ARE blessed!
Thanks for your support and prayers. It really means the world to us!
Sitting tight in God's grip,
Robin, Megan, AND Isaac
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Terrific Tuesday
It's been a sweet day here in Kijabe and Nairobi! We started the day off sitting on one of the beds in our room reading the first two books of Genesis with Isaac. We found a great illustrated book in rhyme back in the states that Isaac is able to understand- It was amazing to sit and talk through just how special he is to God as part of God's creation and how "there is nothing he can do to make God love him any more or any less than he does right now" (thanks pastor doug b. for drenching that concept in my stuck! [robin]). Later in the afternoon, it just brought smiles to our faces to see Isaac pick up his rhyming Bible and begin to look through it on his own. God is GOOD!
Overall it's been a low key day-- but it's been full of blessing. The hotel we're at is missionary run and we were able to catch a ride with Dan to Nairobi this morning. Dan is a missionary from the states helping run the hotel "as a hobby" while really putting his weight down on working with the Christian radio station. He gave us a tour of the Nairobi station before helping us get much needed groceries (they have chocolate and Dr. Pepper...we're ALL set!)- Also, we have an invitation to dinner with the "King and Queen" of Christian with royalty?! We'll see!
There are statues of elephants all over Nairobi...and Isaac loves them! We're hoping to get a photo of him with them at some point. Other wildlife news, apparently we do have zebras, giraffes, water buffalo, the occasional cheetah, and others roaming around! We sure hope to see some! Safely of course!
So it's been a day of meeting people, finding other contacts, and seeing how life works here in Kenya. Very different from Sudan!
Tomorrow we'll get back to trying to meet with the doctors, but it was a huge blessing to catch a ride with Dan so that we're able to eat!
We're still super excited by all that God's doing and encouraged by his hand in even the smallest details!
We still can't use the laptop, it won't connect to the Internet, so no photos or videos...but at least we can update the blog! yay!
Robin, Megan, AND Isaac
Monday, August 13, 2007
"HOME!" in Kijabe
There's something about landing in Africa that makes me feel like I'm coming home. The smell, the air, the, well actually, everything including wandering livestock just makes my heart feel full. I'm so thankful to finally be here! I can just feel God's presence!
It's a cold, cloudy, BEAUTIFUL day here in Kijabe, Kenya- Megan and Isaac are both in deep sleeps. The only reason I'm awake is that the hotel wanted to get my computer hooked up to the wireless connection. Today's attempt failed, so we'll try again tomorrow- Thankfully they're letting me jump on their computer for a few minutes in order to let everyone know that we've arrived.
It's been a great day- After collecting our bags we took a taxi into the heart of Nairobi and met Victor and Isaac at the Java House (if you like chai lattes, I believe I've found the world's best!) and then onward with our trip to Kijabe. I wasn't prepared for the beauty of the valley as we turned and looked down from the hill top. WOW! Stunning trees, crop fields, simply more greenery than I ever expected, it's amazing. Some well tended flower gardens too...I love it. We've settled into the hotel now and have done a little exploring- Mostly of the hospital grounds across the street and their cafeteria for a little food. After that we were all ready for more than a little sleep. (Isaac hadn't slept in 2 days!)
We met Pastor Erik of one of the local congregations who has many friends at the hospital and is happy to introduce us to them all. Not to mention that Megan and I have a church to worship in on Sunday! He's already arranged it all! It's all part of the African experience! Pastor also took the time to explain a short version of who Isaac is in the Bible to Isaac and how wonderful that is. Yeah, God is good.
We'll be going over to the hospital tomorrow to figure out all of Isaac's details and what pre-surgery things need to be done. Today day is all about rest. It's going to be a big week gearing up for surgery, foraging for food, and all the other little things that pop up. We're so thankful for all God's provision so far, He really is a God bigger than we can begin to imagine- Isaac's travels went smoothly, as did ours, people have helped us out left and right, and I could go on and on. I could be nervous about all the unknowns but I'm not because of the one BIG known we have: God is in control. It may not look like we expect it too, there will be obstacles, we'll learn to be more flexible than we could imagine... that's just part of the experience of running with God while resting in His solid grip.
It's wonderful to have Isaac with us, he's a combination of excited and nervous- And a little shell shocked from all the different sights he's seen between Sudan and here. On our way to Kijabe he was staring wide-eyed out the window and smiling; he pronounced the area beautiful as well. I'm loving the opportunity to get to know him more.
Well I'd best end this here, the hotel computer is slower than molasses which is actually a lot faster than a lot of computers I've dealt with in Africa! :) Hurrah! Once we get my computer connected we hope to add photos and video to the blog.
"This IS the day that the Lord has made, let us REJOICE and be glad in it!"
In His Grip,
Robin (and Megan too!)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Safely in London!
Just a quick note to say that Megan and I have had a safe and good journey thus far! We're waiting on our final flight to Kenya and have had a lovely layover exploring London with our friend Helen!
A huge praise, Isaac's traveling papers are secured and he'll be arriving in Nairobi this evening! Also, we thankful to have our transport from the Nairobi airport to Kijabe's great to see all the pieces come together. :)
We're so excited to see all that God's going to do!
Thanks for all your prayers!
Smiling in God's AMAZING grace,
Robin and Megan
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Megan and Robin Prepare to Leave
Megan and Robin are headed to Kenya to meet up with Issac for his surgry. (see video in previous post) Here are some bios on them and pics. Stay tuned for updates as they travel!
Megan Daniels
Hello, I'm Megan Daniels. I grew up in rural northern Missouri and moved to Midland, Texas about 2 years ago to be involved in missions through Stonegate Fellowship Church and its partner church, EPC of Yei, Sudan. Some say I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as soon as I could! Really though, I am glad to be here and to see the doors the Lord has opened for me to serve him. I am a registered nurse, work in the emergency room while I am in country, but love the opportunity to serve the Lord anywhere and in any way. God has allowed me to travel to Sudan twice now to assist with the medical care of orphans and in developing medical clinics. The first time I was there I met Isaac. I remember then asking the Lord if he could be helped. It seems surreal sitting here now knowing that indeed help is on the way for him!!!! It was awesome to see EPC's vision for helping Isaac and being asked to assist in the process. My heart¹s desire is for individual people to see their Creator and how he loves them, desires to walk in faithfulness with them, and guide their lives with His purpose. That is my desire for this trip, that Isaac know how wonderfully he was created and how special he is to our God.
Robin Oas

Hi, I'm Robin Oas, I was born and raised in Oakland, California and am now proud to be an honorary Texan. God called me to full time ministry when I was 16 years old and little did I know where that would take me. Step by step God's led me to the mission field. It's been a wonderful journey working with children's programs and the college ministry at the First Presbyterian Church of Berkeley, jumping in as the Interim Youth Director at San Leandro Presbyterian Church, going to YWAM in Townsville, Australia, and experiencing three months at the YWAM base in Yei, Sudan. Through each step, I,ve seen God¹s constant faithfulness, His love for His people, the unbelievable ways Christ works through us beyond what we can even imagine! Christ continues to expand my heart for God's people inspiring me to serve in any way I can. I'm excited to be alongside EPC both in heading off for Isaac's surgery and helping out with CWEP (Christian Women¹s Empowerment Program) in Yei. I can't wait to see all that God has in store, I know it will be an adventure with Him like none other!