Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hurrah for Internet!

Hello everyone!

I am blessed to have access to the Internet tonight! Our friend Dan, who runs the hotel has graciously let me use his computer (plus some English tea and cookies!yum!)...currently the only computer that will connect to the Internet and possibly not for long! Oh, the joys of blogging in Africa!

God has been SO good- I am constantly amazed by the way He provides exactly when we need it. From Doctor Carter (and his wife Ann) picking up groceries for us in Nairobi, to the woman across the hall in the kids ward bringing us oranges, to timely encouragement from the hospital chaplain (Mercy...a perfect name for her, she is definitely in the exact role God's called her, WOW!)...it never ceases to amaze me. I feel God's hand of favor on us and I am confident in the fact that he will provide in HIS perfect time- Not always when we need it but always on time.

It's a stretching thing to spend days on end in a small hospital room. Megan and I often squeeze into what I am convinced is not quite even a complete twin sized bed that permanently angles up! ha! It's comical, but hey, we both get rest and that's the important part! Isaac is only a couple feet from us (we have our own room, yet another blessing!) and depending on the day or the pain level he either stares into space, cries out in pain, or has fun. We've taught him to play skipbo and connect four and he loves them. Last night, Megan had the evening off, Isaac and I played games and then he said he was ready for bed. Three HOURS later he fell asleep after talking about life in Sudan, the Bible, etc... that time really blessed my heart, just to have a chance to get to know the person that God's creating him to be. It's beautiful. Also, thankfully, his pain was under control last night and he got some good rest!

He's been craving reading from the Bible. He had me read from my Bible while he compared it to the rhyming Bible. Smart Kid!

The surgery has been painful. And today when they changed the dressing on his arm and his leg (where they took skin for his arm) he was in a lot of pain while walking back to the operating room. He had tears running down his face and I found myself asking why can't they use a wheel chair? Why can't he be moved with less pain? Thankfully for the procedure he was sedated and he's always a little crazy when coming off the drugs... he demanded 80 samosas (a fried tortilla-ish thing filled with meat and spices)NOW, not in an hour, NOW and told us we were mean. It's like an alien took him over. But when it wears off he's back to his good ol' self. However the nurses, doctors, Megan and I were having a giggle, it was comical.

The heart wrenching moments are when the pain is unbearable and he's crying out for Jesus to save him and shaking and crying. It's those moments I wish I could just whisk the pain away. It really breaks my heart (and Megan's too). We've been up at the smallest noise, and we're tired but I find it a privilege to be along side him, to hold his hand when he grips it tightly in pain

It looks like Isaac's second surgery is set for Friday. Doctor Carter had originally been a little worried about doing surgery on his hand. But what do you have it? There's a hand surgeon in town!!! Praise God!!! Isaac seems ready for it mostly, but pray, he gets nervous. He's great about asking for prayer. I don't know if this was in the last blog, but Isaac woke me up the night before he was admitted to pray with him. I prayed and just sat with him while he clutched my hand for a couple of hours, agitated if he tried to move, the same happened the night before surgery. (Although add coloring like a maniac in a coloring book to try and distract himself!)

Everyone is taken with Isaac. Dan brought him a goodie bag, the hospital staff come visit, other mom's in the ward love him, and he has a new friend (who we've never heard speak) who hangs out in our room constantly. It's so encouraging!

Megan and I are looking for ways to serve. Right now it's been all about taking care of Isaac, but we're trying to listen for all the ways God wants us to serve. A lot of that's been prayer for what we can think of. I'm thinking of using my art to encourage people in the hospital, we'll see what that looks like. But whatever it is, even the moment by moment task of lovin' on Isaac, will be GOOD because it's God's!

I hope your day is filled with joy,
May the God of all creation season your day with his amazing grace,
Robin (Megan and Isaac too!)


Amanda said...

Praise the Lord! May God continue to give you joy and grace in what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

In the future, when the memory of the pain has dulled, Isaac will remember you, Robin, and you, Megan, as the two women that God sent to him to protect, guide & love him through the whole ordeal. What an influence you are having on his life! What a special honor it is to be in that position -- & Isaac is blessing you both, too! How wonderful.....love, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Amazing what you girls and our Father are doing! Love being able to keep updated on Isaac's progress. Love to you both......"someone's" future Mother-in-Law.....:)

Emily said...

Know that we are praying for all 3 of you! May God give you all rest.

Anonymous said...

You are ALL in my thoughts and prayers--seems like almost constantly!
Love, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

You are ALL in my thoughts and prayers--seems like almost constantly!
Love, Stephanie