Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve in Morobo Video


Stephanie said...

WOW!!!!! What a video. Thank-you for the phone call. It was wonderful to hear your voice--esp. when I realized it was you HA!Merry Christmas to everyone. Technology makes it so much easier to feel apart of. There's a very STRONG connection with all of you!
Lots of love, Mom/Grandma
P.S. It was great to see Amber:)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the updates on your life there- you guys are doing a great job on the blogging! I LOVE the videos.
Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! What an amazing experience to spend it there. I think of you often and beg God to do incredible things in your midst. Thanks for the videos and updates!

Lizzy Robblee said...

amazing! it was beautiful this morning to wake and find this video and see the faces of the children as they recieved such a simple gift in america--- especially as i think of all the people here preparing for their early morning after christmas blessed my friends...thanks for the updates and for doing such amazing things for His Glory...Love you and can't wait to hear more!

Anonymous said...

Amber that is so wonderful. I'm back from NYC visiting and they announced about the blog in church today. It is truly amazing what you and your husband are doing. ---- Susan Combs

Anonymous said...

Wonderful singing. Excellent preaching. Thanks for sharing God's love with the people of Sudan.

Adam Harwood
Arlington, TX

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber!It's Taylor.I go to church with Debbie.What a video!It was a joy watching that.I hope you have a great year and I am praying for you!