Wednesday, December 20, 2006

the Joys of African LIfe

Hello everyone! Its Amber finally!
Thank you so much for being patient with us as we try to get the Internet back up and running. Hopefully soon we will have the ability to upload pictures and video as well.
Last night was our first sleep here in Yei. We all slept well, until about 3 when Titus decided it was time wake up! He stayed awake for about two hours and then went back to sleep just fine. Sometime before 8am I was woke to the sound of Titus vomiting. This continued all morning. He was so sick. It was terribly sad. Around noon he miraculously came out of his sickness! It was amazing! He went from not eating, not drinking to wanting to go the river and play with the children! Thank you to all who prayed for Titus today! He is doing great now he has had two good meals that have stayed down just fine!
I stayed with Titus all morning but the others went about the area building friendships with the workers here. Vernon and Mike met with a family who just lost their father, they ministered to them by listening to them and morning with them.

Tonight Vernon, Mike and Bishop are in a bush village. Tomorrow, Vernon will be Preaching all morning. We are very excited about what will go on there in the morning. They will return about 2ish and we will all load up and go down the road to Harvesters. Harvesters is an orphanage that is a village away from ours in Morobo. We have a great relationship with these workers and Megan will get to do a lot with their Nurse and Doctor.
We love each of you and are thankful for your prayers.
Please pray for
  • Titus to sleep. I think is sickness was just pure exhaustion.
  • Salvation tomorrow in the bush.
  • Over all health of all the Team.

Have a great day!


Stephanie said...

I'm happy Titus wasn't sick for long. Prayers AND youth go a Long way:) I'll continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will keep "filling" your hearts & give you guidance and protection. What an exciting way to spend Christmas-spreading the love our Lord!
Love, Mom

Amanda said...

PTL that Titus bounced back so quickly! I'll be praying for everyone's health and sleep.

Phyllis said...

Yeah! You're up and running AND Titus is better. It's Thursday morning here, so I guess my brother is finished teaching in the village and is likely on his way back to Yei. We're looking forward to hearing about it and are praying that the preparations for the tent sleepover in Morobo go well! Tell Megan hello for us in case she's not reading this blog herself.

Just a quick update here... We had our little family Christmas last night--so we could enjoy one another's company as a family before the madness starts. Chet and the boys got me horseback riding lessons!!!!! One of his friends from work is on the UofL horseback riding team, and so I'm going to learn from her coach at the UofL stable, which is about an hour away! Sarah (the college student he works with) is going to let me borrow some boots and a funny little hat. :)

Well, if you check this before you head out for Morobo, please give all the kids a high-five and a hug for us!

Anonymous said...

How awesome are all of you?!!! I am so proud to know you! My favorite part is that you celebrated Jesus on his birthday and not getting presents. That is the true reason and often it seems that is forgotten. I love the picture of Titus and his friend. You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Connor also prays and loves you!!!