Friday, May 18, 2007

New Schedule

Hey Everyone!
The new schedule is as follows:
Saturday: Arrive Uganda, rest, have some meetings
Sunday: Go to church and continue meetings
Monday: Go to the Mosque
Tuesday: Travel into Sudan, Interview Isaac (the orphan who is getting surgery in Kenya)
Wednesday: Travel to Lura (the second orphanage), get pictures and video of the orphans.
Thursday: Same as Wed.
Friday: Travel to Morobo, interview Esther (the orphan who will have surgery done in the States), hang out with the orphans.
Saturday: Travel to Uganda, meet with some Muslims
Sunday: Go to church, meet with some Muslims
Monday: Start the travel back home

We are not going to have the big governmental opening this time. At first it was disappointing, but I believe the Lord is delaying this in order that Adam and I have more time with Muslims in Uganda. Please pray for our time. I have been a little anxious today for some reason so please pray that the Lord calms my soul in Him. Please pray that Adam and I will not be satisfied in anything other than the Lord. I was reading in Ps. 78 this morning and one of the warnings was that the people of God were allowed to be satisfied with what they wanted (physical food), but they were seeking a false satisfaction. I pray the Lord will focus us all on what truly satisfies, which is mainly Him!

I will update again in a couple of days. Thank you all for praying!


Phyllis said...

We're both traveling today! Of course, my 5 hours in the car is nothing compared to your hours in a plane to change countries and cultures! I'm heading to STL with the boys this afternoon. They're excited to see Amber and Titus tomorrow. Well, Gabe will be excited when he gets there anyway. :)

Can't wait to hear more from you guys! I'll be praying that the Lord will calm your nerves and that he will give you peace of mind... or that He will help you see if these feelings of anxiety are a tip-off from Him to change something about your trip (i.e. like when you went with Jarr and Mike).

Just a reminder that Grandpa has his procedure on Tuesday, so try to remember to pray for him and Gram if you can.


Janelle and Ella said...

We love you guys so much!! Definitely know that Heath and I are praying for you!