Thursday, August 30, 2007

Discharged from the Hospital!!!

Here is the latest news via the phone!!!!
The guys have been discharged from the hospital!!!! Isaacs pain is under control enough to let him go to the hotel to recuperate. They said being at the hotel was a welcome change from the sterile environment with the single twin bed that was permanently stuck in the upright position. Isaac can rest comfortably while the girls have a kitchenette they can prepare meals for themselves in. Today they went to Nairobi to buy supplies and Isaac went with them!!! They had just returned when I called and Isaac was already in bed resting but he had a great day finally just getting out for a bit. They went by a wild life preserve and Dan (the hotel manager/radio guy/all around mission dude) said he might be able to swing a trip to come back later and they could take Isaac on a safari before they leave. How crazy is that!!! So with the sound of it God is really performing an amazing speedy recovery and healing for Isaac and He continues to bless the team with His love and grace. Please continue to pray as tomorrow they return to the hospital to change the bandages on Isaacs legs and arm. Megan said that one of his legs has a lot of drainage and wants to see what Doctor Carter thinks. Right now if everything continues as planned Dr Carter said they may be able to remove the pins from his figures in 2 ½ weeks. Pray Gods continued speedy healing in Isaacs life!!!! There have been so many answered prayers and the girls sound like they are in good spirits and good health. All glory to God. He does all things well!!!
Bless all of you as well.


James R. Mitchell said...

AMEN! You all are in our prayers, and praise God for the blessings.


Anonymous said...

Robin my dearest neice,I have absolutley loved reading the blogs to hear what the heck is going on with you and your companions. I have been praying for Issacs decreased pain. I am sure you are a great comfort to him. I hope you are getting the rest you need. love you very very much, you are on my mind every day. love always, auntie Krista xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Robin and the rest of the AMAZING crew!!
I am mesmerized by the journey you all have taken to assure Isaac of this opportunity. My prayers are that the miracle will work in ways no one may even be expecting right now. I am also praying for some sustained rest and smiles too numerous to count for all of you. And perhaps most importantly, I am praying specifically for Isaac...pain under FULL control, perseverance, and strength to move beyond the surgeries and into physical therapy (or whatever else is prescribed to help him regain good function of his arm and hand). What an AMAZING God story!!
Love, Luree Miller (Scott and Nathaniel, too)

Anonymous said...

How wonderful to follow along with your amazing adventure with Issac and God! I really wonder who Issac is going to become. What a great, eternal investment you are making each and every day!
Nancy O.

karen watts said...

How great is our God? Is there any like Him?
May He continue to grow bigger in your eyes as you continue this journey!
Much love and continued prayers in the fourth watch,

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, a possible safari?!!! That should be great medicine for a 13 yr old (& the 27 yr olds!)!! We'll be praying that your evening goes well today, after the bandage changes, and that you all have a good nights rest. love & hugs, Sharon

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled for all you!!! It must be wonderful for all of you. Do you girls think you'll be able to stretch out to sleep? HA
Isaac continues to take up alot of my thinking/praying time as he recuperates. Megan & Robin you're right there along with him.
The updates are great!!
Love you, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Isaac-- I talked to Vernon Mike about the Yankees hat. He said you're gonna have to be ready for a wrestling match in Dec. Just thought I'd give you a little warning:) Good thing you'll be better by then!
Keep up the good work!
In Christ, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

We're very happy to hear that Isaac's surgeries have gone so well and that you have been able to help him through this tough time. It has been great to follow your blog at each stage.

Rodman wonders if there are any respectable lizards in the game preserve? He thinks he might be related for some reason...

Love, Dave and Rose

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! I'm so glad to hear that Isaac's recovery is going well! I am sure it is so encouraging to have the two of you there with him. I pray for health, rest, and good together times for all 3 of you. Big hugs to you Robin (and Megan and Isaac too)!

HollyAnn said...

Megan is was so good to talk to you this morning! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers! I will continue to pray for a speedy recovery for Isaac and strength for you and Robin!

Lorna said...

Hi Robin, I have been enjoying your posts. God is certainly doing amazing things. I'll be praying for you and Issac as he recovers. Lorna